Monday, March 8, 2010


Sorry that the finance pages don't line up - can't seem to fix.

Peace Corps VAST Grant Program

Project Proposal
Dilla Town Waste Collection and Disposal IGA for
Orphans and Vulnerable Children

March 2010 – September 2010

Submitted by: Bonnie Mohan
United States Peace Corps Volunteer
Dilla, Ethiopia

Proposal Outline

I. List of Acronyms
II. Project Summary
A. Introduction
B. Background Information
III. Project Proposal
A. Description
1. Goals and Objectives
2. Building Skills and Capacity
3. Sustainability
4. Primary Assignment
B. Project Costs
C. Monitoring and Evaluation
1. M&E of IGA
2. M&E of Trash Collection and Disposal Service
D. Individuals Reached
IV. Pictures
V. Appendices
A. Training Outline/Pre- and Post- Training Tests
1. Health/HIV Training
2. Money Management Training
B. Phases
C. Timeline
D. People Involved
E. List of Beneficiaries
F. Forms
1. Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the six stakeholders
2. Project Manager Job Description
3. Monthly/Quarterly Financial and Physical Reports
4. Liability Form

I. List of Acronyms

HAPCO – HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control Office
IGA – Income Generating Activity
M&E – Monitoring and Evaluation
NGO – Non-governmental Organization
OTI – Office of Trade and Industry
OVC – Orphans and Vulnerable Children
SP – Samaritan’s Purse

II. Project Summary

A. Introduction

This project will address two very serious problems present in Dilla: poor sanitation and the high number of OVC living in the town. Dilla is a large town that is growing beyond its means and the sanitation of the town is suffering for it. This project will address the sanitation problems in the town by providing a comprehensive solid waste collection and disposal service for hotels and homes throughout the town. This service will be provided for a nominal monthly fee and the profits will be used as an IGA for an association of OVC, by providing paid employment.

This waste collection and disposal project is based upon the system used in Hawassa, which has been operating as a private business, in cooperation with the Hawassa Municipality, for more than eight years. The service has been awarded by the Ministry of Urban Development three times for its contribution to the health and sanitation of the rapidly growing city of Hawassa. The participating stakeholders of this project believe that Dilla can have equal success, with the additional contribution of helping OVC in the town.

B. Background Information

Dilla is a large, cash-crop town located in the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples’ Region of Ethiopia. Dilla is located on the main road to Kenya, 375km south of the national capital, Addis Ababa, and 90km south of regional capital, Hawassa. The current population of Dilla is roughly 88,000, with an estimated yearly growth rate of 2.9%. As the capital of Gedeo Zone, Dilla has a high daily influx of people from surrounding areas to utilize the market, hotels/bars, banks, and the zonal hospital. This constant stream of additional people into the town exacerbates the existing pressure on the town to accommodate such a large and quickly growing population.

One of the major repercussions of this rapid population growth has been the deteriorating state of sanitation in the town. The Dilla Town Sanitation Department has recently begun collecting and disposing of waste in the town, but does not have the resources or capacity to adequately cover the entire town. For the majority of residents whose waste is not being collected, burning waste in the streets or simply dumping waste into the drainage ditches along the sides of roads is their only recourse. This is considered by community members to be the proper method of waste disposal and health concerns are not regarded. However, these practices present serious health risks to the community. The burning of materials like plastic creates unpleasant and toxic fumes that pollute the air and contribute to respiratory complications. Additionally, the build-up of waste in drainage ditches blocks the flow of rainwater, resulting in stagnant water that attracts malaria-infected mosquitoes. When heavy rains do come, this waste is flushed into the river, where people in the rural areas of town bathe and collect their drinking water. Some of the most common disease treated at the town health center that can be directly associated with the poor sanitation of the town are malaria, upper respiratory tract infections, and typhoid.

Dilla is in need of an organized service in the town to collect dry waste from hotels and homes, as well as widespread community mobilization and education to highlight the importance of proper waste disposal. This project will provide that service, combining the efforts of several stakeholders in the town. These stakeholders include the Town Sanitation Department, Dilla Health Center, the Office of Industry and Trade, the Microfinance Office, Samaritan’s Purse, and Town HAPCO. They will provide technical support and oversee the general operation of the project in the form of a Steering Committee.

One goal we have for the future of this project is to begin separating waste at the disposal site and composting organic materials. This compost can be sold as fertilizer for additional profit. While we would like to provide this service immediately, we believe it is more important to have a strong and stable collection and disposal service in place first. In time, when the project is running self-sufficiently and increasing its profits, we will expand towards composting to make further contribution to environmental sustainability.

The second aspect of this project will be an IGA for children between 14 and 17 years of age, who have been orphaned by HIV/AIDS. The growing number of children living on the streets, particularly orphans, is a serious problem for Dilla. There are currently over 5,000 street children, orphans, and vulnerable children living in the town. Hotels and families will pay a small monthly fee for the waste collection service and the profits will be used to provide income for a group of these children. This project will benefit these children by providing paid part-time employment for them. The beneficiaries will be educated about the importance of saving and will be given the opportunity to keep a portion of their income with the Microfinance Office, who has generously offered to provide a monthly interest of 4% for the OVC. The beneficiaries will also receive some basic business training, should they consider using their income to start a small business of their own. This income, and the training they will receive, will help them support themselves and live healthy lives.

III. Project Proposal

A. Description

1.) Goals and Objectives

Goal 1: To improve the poor state of sanitation in Dilla Town
• Educate and mobilize community members about the health risks associated with the poor sanitation in the town and provide HIV education, through a series of community sanitation campaigns
• Provide a regular solid waste collection service for the town’s hotels/bars and homes to eliminate the accumulation/burning of waste in public areas
• Dispose of the town’s waste at a disposal site located outside of the town
Priority: This Goal addresses the Municipality’s priority to maintain the sanitation of the town and the health of its residents.

Goal 2: To generate income for an association of OVC
• Identify and train 20 OVC on health/HIV and money management
• Involve these OVC in educating their respective communities about health, HIV, and sanitation through the community sanitation campaigns
• Provide income for these OVC as part-time workers for the waste collection service
Priority: This Goal addresses the priority of Dilla HAPCO and the NGO, Samaritan’s Purse, to provide care and support for OVC in Dilla.

2.) Building Skills and Capacity

The most important requirement for this project to be successful and sustainable is for the members of the community to understand the health risks associated with improper waste disposal. Therefore, extensive community mobilization and education will be a central part of this project. SP has an “OVC Support Team” in each of the 8 kebeles in Dilla, which consists of representatives from the kebele association, women’s association, Community-Based Volunteer Teams, youth clubs, religious leaders, and two older OVC. These OVC Support Teams will help to mobilize the people in their respective kebeles. The Municipality has also agreed to use its relationship with local leaders to promote the project and sanitation campaigns. The respect and influence of these leaders in their respective communities will be instrumental in gaining the trust and participation of town residents.

To promote the project and create awareness, the Municipality and these community leaders will help organize sanitation campaigns in key parts of town where sanitation is particularly poor. These sanitation campaigns will mobilize community members to participate in the clean-up process and their direct participation in cleaning up their community will give them a personal stake in and concern for the health of their town. The campaigns will also provide an opportunity to educate community members about the importance of proper waste disposal as well as to provide HIV education. As a direct result of these campaigns, community members will understand more about their own health and how to keep themselves and their families healthy. Knowing the consequences of poor sanitation will lead to behavior change. The Municipality and SP have volunteered to provide any labor and materials needed for these community sanitation campaigns.

Another aspect of the community mobilization effort, specifically to get youth involved, will be decorating the donkey carts. VAST grant funds will purchase paints and brushes and the Anti-HIV/AIDS clubs of Dilla town schools will decorate the carts with pictures and messages about health and HIV. This will not only engage the members of the Anti-HIV/AIDS clubs (and other students at each school) but will also send a message to the entire town when the carts are traveling around collecting waste. The carts themselves will both promote the project and promote awareness about HIV and other health concerns for community members.

3. Sustainability

The sustainability of the project is of utmost importance to the community. The key to sustainability will be the Steering Committee, which will oversee the entire project and provide technical assistance as needed. The Steering Committee will be made up of important stakeholders in the town, all of whom are committed to the success and sustainability of the project. These stakeholders are: the Dilla Town Sanitation Department, The Office of Trade and Industry, the Microfinance Office, the Dilla Health Center, Samaritan’s Purse, and Dilla Town HAPCO. Each stakeholder will serve an essential role in the operation of the project. The Steering Committee, with a representative from each stakeholder, will meet monthly during the first six months to perform monitoring and evaluation, identify and discuss any challenges, and make sure that the project is operating according to plan. After the first six months, they will meet quarterly. This Steering Committee, because of its inclusion of several local stakeholders, will ensure that the project is sustainable.

Regarding the financial stability and sustainability of the project, again the Steering Committee will be of paramount importance. As part of the VAST grant fund request, we included the first three months of salary for the project’s workers while the project is getting started. We expect that after three months, the project will be earning enough money from home and hotel fees to take over paying its expenses. The Municipality is currently providing this service and has a small customer base (particularly with hotels), which will be instrumental at the start of the project while we are still building our customer base. However, it is difficult to know for certain how profitable the project will be from the start, so we will create a contingency plan. In the event that the project is not earning sufficient income to cover its expenses, after the VAST funds have expired, the members of the Steering Committee will provide support for the project in way of small loans. Members of the SC may lend the amount needed to pay for the month’s expenses, on the condition that the loan is repaid once the project is making greater income. This contingency will protect the project in its beginning so that it has the opportunity to grow. It will also protect the OVC beneficiaries so that they can have security and stability in their employment.

4. Primary Assignment

This project relates to my primary assignment in that it supports Goal 3, Objectives 3.2 and 3.4, of the Peace Corps Ethiopia HIV/Health Project Framework.

Objective 3.2: By 2013, 160 PCVs and their counterparts will design, improve, implement, and evaluate HIV-related prevention activities, with the result that 16,000 individuals will be linked to or receive prevention services related to other behavior change beyond abstinence and/or being faithful.
Through the community mobilization portion of the project, community members throughout the town will be educated about HIV and other health risks and will be linked to prevention services.

Objective 3.4: By 2013, 50 PCVs and their counterparts will design, improve, implement, and evaluate HIV-related OVC activities, with the result that 2500 OVC will be linked to or receive prevention, care and support services.
The profits from the waste collection service will provide care and support for an association of OVC in order to improve their quality of life. The OVC will also be trained about health and HIV and linked to prevention services.

B. Project Costs:

Category VAST Funds
(ETB) VAST Funds
(USD) Community Contribution TOTAL
Cash In-kind Total (USD)
Labor ETB 15,300.00 $1,148.65 ETB 4,800.00 $360.36 ETB 20,100.00 $1,509.01
Project Manager
(1000ETB/mo x 3 mo) ETB 3,000.00 $225.23 ETB 3,000.00 $225.23
Cash Collectors
(3 x 300ETB/mo x 3 mo) ETB 2,700.00 $202.70 ETB 2,700.00 $202.70
OVC Workers
(20 x 160ETB/mo x 3 mo) ETB 9,600.00 $720.72 ETB 9,600.00 $720.72
Truck Driver
(800ETB/mo X 6 mo) ETB 4,800.00 $360.36
Equipment ETB 40,000.00 $3,003.00 ETB 57,000.00 $4,279.28 ETB 58,000.00 $4,354.35
Donkey Carts
(10 x 2400ETB/cart) ETB 24,000.00 $1,801.80 ETB 24,000.00 $1,801.80
(10 x 1600ETB/donkey) ETB 16,000.00 $1,201.20 ETB 16,000.00 $1,201.20
Mercedes Truck
(6500ETB/mo x 6 mo) ETB 39,000.00 $2,927.93 ETB 39,000.00 $2,927.93
Truck Fuel
(300L/mo x 10ETB/L
x 6 mo) ETB 18,000.00 $1,351.35 ETB 18,000.00 $1,351.35
Materials/Supplies ETB 7,000.00 $525.53 $0.00 ETB 7,000.00 $525.53
Garbage bags
(1000 x 5ETB) ETB 5,000.00 $375.38 ETB 5,000.00 $375.38
Paint/brushes ETB 2,000.00 $150.15 ETB 2,000.00 $150.15
Venue Rental --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Travel/Per diem --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Transportation of materials --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Other ETB 6,280.00 $471.47 ETB 6,280.00 $471.47
OVC Trainings
(4 days: trainer, venue, materials, food/drink) ETB 6,280.00 $471.47 ETB 6,280.00 $471.47
Total ETB 62,300.00 $4,677.18 ETB 0.00 ETB 68,080.00 $5,111.11 ETB 130,380.00 $9,788.29

*The Rate of Exchange from ETB to USD is converted at 13.32%, based on the rate today, February 11, 2010.

@13.32% %
Vast Grant Funds 62,300.00 4,677.18 0.48
Community Contribution 68,080.00 5,111.11 0.52
Total Project Cost 130,380.00 9,788.29 1.00

There has been a great deal of support and enthusiasm surrounding this project, as is evident from the very considerable community contribution. The 52% community contribution far exceeds the 25% minimum requirement.

C. Monitoring and Evaluation

1. IGA for OVC
Samaritan’s Purse will be responsible for M&E for the trainings they provide for the IGA beneficiaries. The trainer will conduct a pre- and post- training text to gauge how well the beneficiaries have absorbed the material. Copies of these tests are included in Appendix V.A.
SP social workers will also conduct monthly visits to the OVC beneficiaries’ homes to assess how the project is impacting their lives and determine any further needs they may have. The findings will be shared with the stakeholders at Steering Committee meetings.

2. Waste Collection and Disposal Service
Monitoring and Evaluation will be essential for the long-term success and sustainability of this project. The Steering Committee will be responsible for M&E for the entire project, but the Sanitation Department and Samaritan’s Purse will be involved in additional M&E. Ato Tamerat from the Sanitation Department will conduct monthly assessments of the town to determine how the project is affecting the sanitation condition and, as stated previously, SP will provide M&E for the OVC beneficiaries.

During the first six months of the project, the Steering Committee will meet with the Project Manager once per month. The Project Manager will be responsible for completing a monthly report (both a financial and physical report), which will be reviewed by the Steering Committee at the monthly meetings. The Sanitation Department will also monitor the overall sanitation condition in the town to determine if the service is improving the situation and will present its findings at Steering Committee meetings. After the first six months, once the project has stabilized and is operating off its own income, the Steering Committee will meet only quarterly. A copy of the Monthly/Quarterly Report is located in Appendix V.F.2.

D. Individuals Reached

We understand that this project will take time to grow and catch on in the community, despite best efforts to mobilize community members. For this reason, we are beginning with a lower number of beneficiaries to ensure that the project will be able to provide them with sufficient employment, and thus income, to make a real impact in their lives. We expect that over time, the number of customers will increase, generating greater profits. As the project expands, we will be able to involve more OVC beneficiaries. SP has agreed to continue to provide training to any new beneficiaries as the project grows. For the meantime, any additional profits remaining after regular project expenses are paid, will be retained in the Microfinance Office should any unexpected costs (cart repairs, medical attention for donkeys, etc.) occur.

Number of individuals reached/trained by this project:
Youth Boys 14-17: 8
Youth Girls 14-17: 12

IV. Pictures

Appendix V.A

Training Outlines

Health/HIV Training
Trainer: Sister Martha Geribo, Samaritan’s Purse

Objective of the Training:
• After the training, the participant will decide to apply practically environmental sanitation by themselves and collaborating with the community
• Participants will identify the cases of communicable diseases
• The participants will know the basic prevention methods of the communicable diseases
Pre-Training Test
Environmental Sanitation:
What is the meaning of environmental sanitation?
What are the factors that can spoil our environment?
How can we keep our environment clean?
Is there illness that we can prevent by keeping our environment clean?
• Malaria: Group Work 1: What is our responsibility to prevent malaria outbreak?
Diseases that can occur due to intestinal helmentisis:
• Diarrhea
 Mode of transmission
 Methods of prevention
 Group Work 2: What are the measures that prevent diarrhea?
• Trachoma
 Mode of transmission
 Group Work 3: How can we prevent trachoma?
• Tuberculosis
 Mode of transmission
 Methods of prevention
 Group Work 4: What measure have we taken to prevent TB?
Personal Hygiene:
• What is the meaning of personal hygiene?
• The benefits of personal hygiene?
• The consequences of personal hygiene?
• Factors that make is difficult to keep our personal hygiene?
• Group Work 5: What are the solutions to solve these problems?
• Group Work 6: What will be your plan to keep your personal hygiene and to make your environment clean in the year 2010? Make your Action Plan.
What does HIV/AIDS stand for?
Modes of Transmission:
Methods of Prevention
Signs and Symptoms of the Illness
• Opportunistic Infections
• Prevention of Opportunistic Infections
TB and HIV
Prevention of Mother-To-Child Transmission (PMTCT)
Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART)
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) and HIV
HIV, Environmental Sanitation, and Personal Hygiene: how they are related
Post-Training Test
Money Management/Basic Business Skills Training
Trainer: Ato Johannes Adamu, Samaritan’s Purse

Day 1: (8:30am – 5:30pm)
Registration and material distribution
Participant introductions and expectations of the training
Aim of the training
Introduction to the livelihood program
Tea Break
Entrepreneurship/Personal entrepreneurship skills:
(Endurance, risk management, effectiveness and efficiency, time management, respecting promises and serving clients, information management, group IGA and friendship)
Tea Break

Day 2: (8:30am – 5:30pm)
Reflection (core revision)
Setting goals/Self-confidence
Preparation of business plan (10 parts of a business plan)
Tea Break
Marketing plan, legal business entity formation methods, price determination and analyzing costs
Search good business ideas/Methods of idea explanation
Tea Break
Financial Planning: making a budget, prioritizing expenditures (needs from wants), settings goals and how to save.

Appendix V.B

After the grant is approved but before the grant money is received, we will begin some activities that are being contributed by the community and thus do not require VAST grant funds. These activities include the training of the OVC (provided by SP) and the community sanitation campaigns. Once the funds are received, we will begin purchasing the materials needed to begin the project.

PHASE I*: Preparation/Implementation of Trainings (1 week)
1. Samaritan’s Purse will plan the logistics of the trainings
a. Location
b. Date and time (not to interfere with school schedules)
c. Shay/bunna and possible per diem(?)
2. Health/HIV Training
a. Provided by SP
b. Two full-days training
c. Pre- and post- tests to determine the success of the training
3. Money Management Training
a. Provided by SP, with possible collaboration with OTI
b. Two full-days training

PHASE II*: Community Sanitation Campaigns (1 month)
1. Engage community leaders
a. SP will communicate with their “OVC Support Teams”
b. Municipality will engage kebele leaders and other local community leaders
2. Identify key locations in each kifle ketema to hold campaigns
a. Will be done by the Sanitation Department and the PCV
b. Get approval from any necessary government leaders
3. Hold the community sanitation campaigns (three total)
a. Schedule dates and times of the campaigns
b. Local leaders will help mobilize their respective community members to come out for the event
c. Municipality and SP will help provide materials
d. Representative from the Health Center will provide health, sanitation, and HIV education to community members
e. OVC beneficiaries will help to register customers interested in the service
4. Communicate with hotels to negotiate monthly service fee

PHASE III: Purchase of Project Materials (1-2 weeks)
1. Order and purchase donkeys (to be transported from Shashemane)
2. Purchase carts
3. Purchase bags to be given to customers for collecting their waste
4. Purchase paints/brushes and any other miscellaneous items

PHASE IV: Implementation of Waste Collection/Disposal Service (6 months)
1. Painting of donkey carts by school Anti-HIV/AIDS clubs
2. Distribute garbage bags to customers who registered at the sanitation campaigns
3. Begin collection at homes and hotels in the town
4. Continue promoting the service, especially encouraging word-of-mouth promotion by initial customers

PHASE V: Monitoring and Evaluation (6 months)
1. Completion of monthly reports by Project Manager
2. Monthly meetings of the Steering Committee during the first six months of operation
3. Quarterly meetings after first six months

*To be initiated before VAST grant funds are received

Appendix V.C

Project Timeline

Appendix V.D

People Involved

Ato Girma Ebren: Head of Dilla Town HAPCO and PCV’s Counterpart
Bachelor of Science in Biology
Dilla University
• Co-author of grant proposal
• Will represent Dilla Town HAPCO on the Steering Committee

Ato Tamerat Bayene: Head of Dilla Town Sanitation Department
Bachelor of Arts in Economics
Bahir Dar University
• Co-author of grant proposal
• Will represent the Dilla Town Municipality on the Steering Committee
• Will help organize Sanitation Campaigns
• Will provide M&E for the project’s impact on the sanitation of the town

Ato Pawlos W/Giorgis: Head of Dilla Health Center
Bachelor of Science in Public Health
Hawassa University
• Will provide health/HIV education to community members during sanitation campaigns
• Will represent the Dilla Health Center on the Steering Committee

Ato Berhanu Mengesha: Head of Office of Trade and Industry/Vice Mayor
Bachelor of Arts in Geography
Dilla University
• Will represent the OTI on the Steering Committee
• Will collaborate with SP for money management training

Ato Mesfin Alemayehu Sub-Branch Manager, Microfinance Office
• Will represent the Microfinance Office on the Steering Committee
• Will receive money from the Project Manager to pay project employees
• Will, at the request of the OVC, retain funds on behalf of the OVC at a monthly interest rate of 4%.

Ato Abebe Ayele: OVC Manager of Samaritan’s Purse
Master of Arts in Regional and Local Development Studies
Addis Ababa University
• Will select the OVC beneficiaries based on the agreed upon selection criteria
• Will represent Samaritan’s Purse on the Steering Committee
• Will help organize sanitation campaigns
• Will provide supervision of OVC beneficiaries

Sister Martha Geribo: Nurse/Trainer for Samaritan’s Purse
Bachelor of Science in Rural and Family Development Science
Hawassa University
• Will give Health/HIV training for OVC beneficiaries
• Will conduct M&E for the training

Ato Johannes Adamu: Trainer for Samaritan’s Purse
Bachelor of Arts in Economics
Hawassa University
• Will give Money Management training for OVC beneficiaries
• Will conduct M&E for the training

W/t Bonnie Mohan: United States Peace Corps Volunteer
Dilla, Ethiopia
• Co-author of grant proposal
• Will assist with the OVC trainings
• Will help organize sanitation campaigns
• Will participate in purchasing of project materials
• Will assist the Steering Committee in supervision and M&E for the first six months of the project

Appendix V.E

List of Beneficiaries

We are currently in the process of selecting OVC to be beneficiaries of this project, which should be completed within two weeks. The criteria for selecting the OVC beneficiaries were defined by SP and Dilla HAPCO. The criteria/priorities are as follows:
• Ages 14-17
• At least 50% female
• Orphaned by HIV/AIDS (double or single orphans with special priority for those orphans that have lost their mothers)
• Priority given to child-headed households (CHH), especially female-headed households
• Should be enrolled in school (either day or night school)
• Residents from the two kifle ketemas in which they will be working (Sesa or Haro Welago)

Age Kifle Ketema
(Sesa or Haro Welago) Orphan Status
Maternal Paternal CHH Double
1 Fikrte Teka F 16 Sesa X
2 Rahel Kebede F 16 Sesa X
3 Tadelech Hizeqal F 16 Sesa X
4 Mihert Zeleke F 15 Sesa X
5 Mandefiro Tsegaye M 16 Sesa X
6 Fishun Tesfaye M 15 Sesa X
7 Degenesh Temesgen F 16 Sesa X
8 Betelhem Getenet F 15 Sesa X
9 Miseraf Shome F 15 Sesa X
10 Mesikeram Uyara F 15 Sesa X
11 Tigist Kifilu F 15 Haro Welago X
12 Ginit Mulatu F 15 Haro Welago X
13 Girma Alemu M 16 Haro Welago X
14 Sinait Shashigu F 15 Haro Welago X
15 Gesese Tilahun M 14 Haro Welago X
16 Muluken Worku M 16 Haro Welago X
17 Yemisrach Aklilu F 14 Haro Welago X
18 TBD Haro Welago
19 TBD Haro Welago
20 TBD Haro Welago

Appendix V.F.1

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
Between Stakeholders of the Project Steering Committee
For the Dilla Town Waste Collection and Disposal IGA for OVC

This Memorandum of Understanding/agreement has been made and entered into on this date February 10, 2010 by and between the members of the Project Steering Committee, Dilla Town HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control Office, here in after called Dilla Town HAPCO; Dilla Town Municipality - Sanitation Department; Dilla Town Health Center; Dilla Town Office of Trade and Industry, here in after called OTI; Dilla Town Microfinance Office; and the international NGO, Samaritan’s Purse, here in after called SP, showing that an agreement has been reached between the parties regarding the implementation of the Dilla Town Waste Collection and Disposal IGA for OVC as per the articles stated below.

ARTICLE 1: Responsibilities of the Steering Committee

The Steering Committee composes representatives of stakeholders drawn from the Dilla Town HAPCO, Municipality, Health Center, Office of Trade and Industry, Microfinance Office, and international NGO, Samaritan’s Purse. The Steering Committee shall elect a Committee Chairperson and Secretary at its first meeting. The Steering Committee shall have the following roles and responsibilities:

1.1. Shall ensure that the whole implementation of the project is in accordance with the technical proposal and schedule.
1.2. Shall provide appropriate suggestions, advice, and direction on better implementation of the project.
1.3. Shall facilitate proper implementation of the project activities through members of the SC.
1.4. Shall meet once per month for the first six months of the project and thereafter shall meet quarterly.
1.5. Shall monitor and evaluate the project implementation based on agreed schedule.

ARTICLE 2: Implementation Details

Members of the Steering Committee shall have the following responsibilities.

2.1. Dilla Town HAPCO
2.1.1. Work closely with the other stakeholder members of the Steering Committee (Municipality, Health Center, OTI, Microfinance, and SP) and with concerned offices and individuals.
2.1.2. Shall send a representative to every Steering Committee meeting, who will serve as the Chair of the Committee.
2.1.3. Shall participate in the review of monthly/quarterly/annual physical and financial reports, to be prepared by the Project Manager.
2.1.4. Shall participate in monitoring and evaluation of the project in conjunction with the SC.

2.2. Dilla Town Municipality - Sanitation Department
2.2.1 Work closely with the other stakeholder members of the Steering Committee (Town HAPCO, Health Center, OTI, Microfinance, and SP) and with concerned offices and individuals.
2.2.2. Shall help to organize three community sanitation campaigns and provide needed materials (shovels, rakes, donkey carts, etc)
2.2.3. Shall donate the use of their Mercedes truck (including driver and cost of fuel) to transport waste from local transfer stations to the permanent disposal site.
2.2.4. Shall send a representative to every Steering Committee meeting, who will serve as the Secretary for the Committee.
2.2.5. Shall participate in the review of monthly/quarterly/annual physical and financial reports, to be prepared by the Project Manager.
2.2.6. Shall participate in monitoring and evaluation of the project in conjunction with the SC.
2.2.7. Shall especially monitor the condition/improvement of sanitation in the town.

2.3. Dilla Town Health Center
2.3.1. Work closely with the other stakeholder members of the Steering Committee (Town HAPCO, Municipality, OTI, Microfinance, and SP) and with concerned offices and individuals.
2.3.2. Shall provide health/sanitation and HIV education at the three community sanitation campaigns.
2.3.3. Shall make prevention, care, and support services available to community residents
2.3.4. Shall send a representative to every Steering Committee meeting.
2.3.5. Shall participate in the review of monthly/quarterly/annual physical and financial reports, to be prepared by the Project Manager.
2.3.6. Shall participate in monitoring and evaluation of the project in conjunction with the SC

2.4. Office of Trade and Industry
2.4.1. Work closely with the other stakeholder members of the Steering Committee (Town HAPCO, Municipality, Health Center, Microfinance, and SP) and with concerned offices and individuals.
2.4.2. Shall collaborate with SP for providing the Money Management training to the OVC.
2.4.3. Shall send a representative to every Steering Committee meeting.
2.4.4. Shall participate in the review of monthly/quarterly/annual physical and financial reports, to be prepared by the Project Manager.
2.4.5. Shall participate in monitoring and evaluation of the project in conjunction with the SC.

2.5. Microfinance Office
2.5.1. Work closely with the other stakeholder members of the Steering Committee (Town HAPCO, Municipality, Health Center, OTI, and SP) and with concerned offices and individuals.
2.5.2. Shall receive funds from the Project Manager to be paid to the project employees.
2.5.3. Shall, at the request of the OVC, retain funds on behalf of the OVC with a monthly interest rate of 8%.
2.5.4. Shall send a representative to every Steering Committee meeting.
2.5.5. Shall participate in the review of monthly/quarterly/annual physical and financial reports, to be prepared by the Project Manager.
2.5.6. Shall participate in monitoring and evaluation of the project in conjunction with the SC.

2.6. Samaritan’s Purse
2.6.1. Work closely with the other stakeholder members of the Steering Committee (Town HAPCO, Municipality, Health Center, OTI, and Microfinance) and with concerned offices and individuals.
2.6.2. Shall select twenty (20) OVC beneficiaries based upon the agree selection criteria/priorities.
2.6.3. Shall provide Health/HIV and Money Management training for the OVC and M&E of the trainings.
2.6.4. Shall assist in organizing the three community sanitation campaigns and provide needed materials.
2.6.5. Shall provide supervision of the OVC beneficiaries.
2.6.6. Shall send a representative to every Steering Committee meeting.
2.6.7. Shall participate in the review of monthly/quarterly/annual physical and financial reports, to be prepared by the Project Manager.
2.6.8. Shall participate in monitoring and evaluation of the project in conjunction with the SC.
2.6.9. Shall conduct monthly follow-up assessments with OVC beneficiaries to assess how their participation in the project has impacted their lives.

ARTICLE 3: Termination of Contract

3.1. If a stakeholder chooses to terminate this contract, that stakeholder must apply for permission from the Steering Committee before one month.
3.2. In the event that the designated representative for the Steering Committee is no longer able to fulfill this role, he/she is responsible for identifying a replacement to be the new Steering Committee member.

This Agreement shall be effective as of today, February 10, 2010.

Signed on behalf of Dilla Town HAPCO

Name: Position:

Signature: Date:

Signed on behalf of Dilla Municipality

Name: Position:

Signature: Date:

Signed on behalf of Dilla Health Center

Name: Position:

Signature: Date:

Signed on behalf of the Office of Trade and Industry

Name: Position:

Signature: Date:

Signed on behalf of the Microfinance Office

Name: Position:

Signature: Date:

Signed on behalf of Samaritan’s Purse

Name: Position:

Signature: Date:
Appendix V.F.2.

Project Manager Job Description

Educational Requirements:
• Minimum of Grade 10 plus 3 years of college completed
• Preferred Fields of Study: Management, Accounting, or Economics

Job Responsibilities:
• Promote the project through community mobilization and sanitation campaigns
• Maintain records of customers and attempt to continuously increase the number
• Have direct contact with customers and OVC workers
• Receive any complaints and address any problems customers may have
• Submit all worker salaries to the Microfinance Office for distribution to workers
• Maintain detailed financial records of project costs and income
• Complete the Monthly/Quarterly Report for Steering Committee meetings
• Communicate with stakeholders to organize the Steering Committee meetings
• Conduct M&E in conjunction with the Steering Committee
• Collaborate especially with the Sanitation Department and Samaritan’s Purse
• Link the OVC beneficiaries with other programs (e.g. food support, health care, additional training) through contact with NGOs and experienced organizations working in the town

Starting Salary:
1000 ETB per month

Appendix V.F.3

Dilla Town Waste Collection and Disposal Project
Financial Report

Number of Homes Registered:
Monthly Income from Homes:

Number of Hotels Registered:
Monthly Income from Hotels:

Monthly expenses:
Labor –
Donkey Maintenance –
Equipment Maintenance –
Other –

Monthly Profits (Income – Expenses):

Goals for Next Period
Number of Homes to Add:
Number of Hotels to Add:

Physical Report

Are there enough workers? If no, how many should be added?

Are the OVC workers giving the proper amount of time agreed upon?

Are there any problems with any of the workers?

How is the community responding to the project? Are they supportive?

What is the condition of sanitation in the town? Is it improving?

How can the project be improved?

What is working well?

Appendix V.F.4

Liability Form

I, _______________________, understand that I am liable for the purchase and transportation of:


from to Dilla Town. I will guarantee careful handling of the money in the amount of ___________birr allotted for these purchases. I will purchase all items required, get receipts for each transaction and return any extra money. I will do everything in my ability to make sure that the equipment and materials arrive in perfect condition.

I understand that I am responsible for any materials lost, stolen or damaged due to negligence while under my control. If this is the case, I agree to the replacement of identical materials. Once the materials have been delivered into the care of Ato Tamerat at the Municipality, I am no longer responsible for their condition.

¬¬__________________________ __________________________
Name (print) Ato Tamerat Bayene

__________________________ __________________________
Signature PCV Signature

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